Giardini goes to Fiorisima in Ovada!
On 21 and 22 September in Ovada in the Province of Alessandria, specifically in the Sandro Pertini Park, Fiorissima will be held, a horticultural m...
Read moreI Giardini go to Lucca for Murabilia event.
The Gardens of Villa della Pergola in Alassio, already winners of the "The most beautiful park in Italy" award, are often invited to Ital...
Read moreQueen Elizabeth II: Queen of Gardens
Today is the day of farewell to the longest-lived Queen ever. Her reign lasted 70 years and she discreetly left in the year of her Platinum Jubilee...
Read moreThe Citrus Collection
Almost 40 varieties of citrus fruit populate the citrus grove in the gardens of Villa della Pergola, one of the prides of the historic Botanical Pa...
Read moreImperial Dahlia: The Dahlia with a proud name
"We read in disbelief the first description of our friend of a Dahlia with an unexpected and surprising appearance. A Dahlia with large bell-s...
Read moreThe Hibiscus of Villa della Pergola Botanical Garden
Hibiscus is an ornamental plant native to Asia and the Pacific, highly appreciated for its splendid blooms. It is part of the large Malvaceae famil...
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